Saturday, January 07, 2017

Dept 56 Collectible Lighted Houses Display Tips

DEPT56TIPS.COM Dept 56 display tips for your collectible ceramic houses, offering an e-book filled with tips on everything from set-up to tear down.

Dear Fellow Department 56 Collector:

Have you ever considered why it is so enjoyable (and important) to make memorable and beautiful displays with your Dept 56 houses?

I can think of five reasons for this:

•    Dept 56 Collections are Simply Beautiful and Interesting to Show
The Dept 56 collection of houses and accessories are beautifully designed and always interesting. These artists obviously put a great amount of time and thought into designing the pieces, and never miss adding that unique touch of character to each of them. The finished products leave no doubt about their efforts.

The Dept 56 pieces are simply gorgeous whenever, or wherever, they are displayed, whether it be individually, in a vignette, or in a large display. Since the pieces are so unique and beautiful, it's really hard to go wrong displaying them.

Within a short amount of time, you can take these intricate houses and accessories and make them into an absolutely stunning display.