Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Here's how to get rid of mosquitoes that rot your summer nights (video)

Here's how to get rid of mosquitoes that rot your summer nights (video)Marre mosquito noise near your ear at night and bites upon waking? Here's a trick to get rid of those annoying little beasts.

Here's how to get rid of mosquitoes that rot your summer nights (video)

A video posted on YouTube in August resurfaced. Although with the arrival of summer, it could be useful. It was posted on the SF Globe chain, which frequently puts online video "tricks" to help you in your daily life.
It explains how to get rid of mosquitoes that enter your home, in your room, and prevent you from sleeping well into the night. To achieve the object that you will rid you n'avez need a few items you probably you.
Take a plastic two-liter bottle and cut it with a knife about 2/3 height. Put three ingredients in the lower part cut: +/- 60 milligrams of brown sugar, 250 ml of hot water and 1.25 mg of yeast. Close en suite with the top of the bottle.
The mixture attracts mosquitoes, they return into the bottle and will be trapped by the inverted cap. And now, that's it.