The necessary equipment
1 watering can in metal or plastic (in DIY stores and garden)
1 universal primary attachment, edding (in stores Gibert Joseph, Book Calipage and Plein Ciel)
DIY: a rustic watering can
3 sprays of acrylic paint, matt coral colors here, matte oil, blue flower, edding (in stores Gibert Joseph, Book Calipage and Plein Ciel)
1 satin varnish, edding (in stores Gibert Joseph, Book Plein Ciel and Calipage) precious satin
1 nozzle kit, edding (in stores Gibert Joseph, Book Calipage and Plein Ciel)
1 fine point black permanent marker, edding e400 (in stores Gibert Joseph, Book Calipage and Plein Ciel)
1 thick plastic interlayer sheet
1 cutter
1 newspaper
1. Thoroughly clean your watering can. Apply a primer universal primer (on the outside of the object only) and let it dry a couple of minutes.2. Apply the desired color on the outer part of the watering you have placed face down on a log (to avoid staining the inside) and allow to dry an hour.3. Create a stencil décalquant in marker on the plastic interlayer sheet, the pattern of your choice or the model presented below.Quick tip: choose a simple pattern, it will facilitate the cutting of the stencil and the result will be better.4. Cut the pattern with a cutter or a fine-tipped scissors. Adjust the white jet nozzle end of a paint spray. Place the stencil on the watering can and spray color to fifteen centimeters of support. Remove the stencil and let dry 10 minutes before switching to the next pattern.5. Apply the varnish satin maintaining the spray at 15 cm around the watering and allow to dry.