Feng Shui is the environment that acupuncture is to the body. (Van Minh). Here are some tips to create an interior Feng Shui.
What is Feng Shui?
How to create a Zen decoration and Feng Shui?
Feng Shui, "wind and water", is a Chinese art that is arranged the way a home has an impact on the behavior of its inhabitants.
This art helps to live and put his life in order to achieve greater personal fulfillment.
Feng Shui is to prevent ch'i, poor quality energy flow and promote the flow of good ch'i. The disorder slows the ch'i as it is a stock of old energies that prevent new flows of movement.
The concepts of Feng Shui
Feng Shui brings together several concepts:
- Yin and Yang, variable depending on the moon and sun, apply at home. Yang is the light side of life (which causes increased activity), while Yin is the dark side (which drives the quiet). One relates to the other, but nothing is totally or totally Yin Yang.
- The Five Elements represent the first material manifestations of Nature, they are symbolized by wood, fire, earth, metal and water interact.
- The Eight Directions, corresponding to the different cardinal points are used to define eight kinds of ch'i.
The living room according to Feng Shui: the best guidance
The living room is generally the largest room in the house which is favorable to the circulation of ch'i. The best guidelines for the fair are:
- Southeast, clear and challenging, the ideal orientation
- South, own meetings and receptions,
- Southwest, for a cozy atmosphere,
- West, to receive and to party.
The living room according to Feng Shui: development
The seats and their location determines the mood of the show. We should not clutter the space furnishings to create a relaxing atmosphere, thus promoting social life and family harmony.
For the living room is cozy, In designing the seats in order to promote human relationships: the ideal is to place the sofas and / or armchairs around a center, so as to have a general view of the part regardless of place where you sit, and avoiding the backs of the seats are in front of a door or window. Sitting facing the door gives a sense of security.
Finally, to avoid the negative effects of television, place a green plant nearby.
The living room according to Feng Shui: errors
In case the show does not obey the right course, there are solutions to facilitate the circulation of ch'i:
- If the living room is oriented to the North, it is desirable to decorate the red and light brown to energize the ch'i.
- If the exhibition is oriented Northeast, looking to increase the Yin surfaces; the deep red is recommended to calm the ch'i.
- If the exhibition is oriented Northwest, yellow and brown promote earth energy.
- If the exhibition is oriented east, looking to reduce the excessive activity of ch'i with soft colors and materials Yin.
The bedroom according to Feng Shui
The best locations for a room are the directions North, Northwest and West.
It is preferable that it is in soft tones that are more relaxing. The bed should be placed at least 20 cm of soil, space should be left empty to allow the ch'i to circulate freely and prevent its stagnation. It is preferable that the bed was made every hour of the day.
Clothing should be placed out of sight in cabinets.
The lights in the room should be soft and must not come from the ceiling but rather sconces and lamps on the furniture.
The bedroom according to Feng Shui: errors
Green plants are not recommended in the rooms since they represent yang and thus stimulating.
It is not recommended to put a mirror in the room because it refers to the body harmful elements that just rejected. Ditto for television. At night, it is even advisable to cover them. The beams are also advised against in a room since they impede the smooth flow of ch'i, and could create a division in the couple.
Not too many books (it prevents sleep).
No water moving (no aquarium for example).
Never expose a photo of you and your companion in the presence of another person because it will désunira!
The bathroom according to Feng Shui
The bathroom should be a bright room, dry and cool preferably placed in the East or Southeast.
We recommend natural light and if it is limited, keep the well-lit room. The plants can help absorb excess moisture which causes stagnation of ch'i.
The blinds are recommended to leave filter natural light while preserving privacy.
The bathroom according to Feng Shui: errors
It must be separated from the bedroom. And woe to those who leave the door or lid open toilet: all the positive energy escapes through the pipeline.
The kitchen according to Feng Shui
According to Feng Shui, the kitchen must be east or southeast of the house, facing the sunrise. It must be a bright room.
It is advisable to place a green plant between the range, which represents fire and sink, which represents water to bring the fire and water.
As the disorder is synonymous with stagnation, we must organize storage spaces. Open the windows every day to recreate the ch'i.
The kitchen according to Feng Shui: errors
The fridge, sink and oven should not be aligned in any case, they do not touch.
Feng Shui in the dining room
The best guidance for the dining room are:
- East, invigorating atmosphere especially nice for breakfast because qu'ensoleillée is the ideal orientation,
- South East direction that promotes exchanges,
- West direction corresponding to the pleasures of life, nice for dining at sunset,
- Northwest preferable for formal meals.
The order is necessary for meals in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. It is clever to illuminate some candles introducing the ch'i of the fire that brings warmth and conviviality to meals.