How to effectively get rid of mosquitoes
mosquito comes spoil your relaxing time. To protect yourself and fight effectively against pests, follow the guide!Unequal in the sting
Already you can feel going up to the plate face of injustice lived day after day face our friends (enemies) critters. Because yes, it is a fact, we are not all equal before the viewfinder flying syringes.
Only females need to drink your cocktail so blood cachaça (in moderation). With it, they can feed their eggs and reproduce. If you do not want to serve as a meal tray at a colony of critters, read what comes next.
Featuring olfactory system housed in their antennae, mosquitoes are very sensitive to odors. It will be more pronounced, the more the attraction of the insect will be. Little regard, they are also susceptible to the charms of a fragrance that endears women as sweat relans. They have a rather pronounced distaste for scents like lemongrass and lavender, so keep that in mind. You'll understand, do not feel too strong (in both extremes): remember to fight against perspiration and go easy on the water bottle of Cologne.
Mosquitoes are also attracted by the heat, including that of the human body. The more it is, the more they will be enticed. To drive the point, note that Diptera act 24h / 24h, as some species go out the day and hunt at night other.
Hunt the natural, it will not come back at a gallop
Now the problem is identified, action is needed! Fortunately, many solutions exist to reduce the presence of mosquitoes. It remains for you to select the most effective and easiest to implement.
In addition to traditional screens, there are many insect repellents on the market, but the essential oils are just as effective. For starters, apply to choices several times a day from the essential oil of citronella, cinnamon or castor oil. These three products are known for their repellent properties: they have a rather strong smell Diptera abhor, remember?
Now that your body is protected, it is time to do the same with your interior. Again lemon grass is your best friend. Light some scented citronella candles or plant it in around your home if you have a garden. The air charge in emanations of the plant and the airspace of damaging your expensive will be affected.
To monetize the aforementioned essential oils, you can also invest in a species diffuser. Turn it on and your home flavor to lemon eucalyptus or lavender to ensure effective protection of more than three meters.
Acting out is also useful to fight effectively against mosquitoes. Opt LED lamps, light yellow or sodium bulbs if you must illuminate the façade of your home. These light sources have the distinction of not attract insects which is a good start.
If you have a garden, make sure to mow your lawn flush. Indeed, the high grass are favorite places for breeding of pests. By cutting your lawn, you literally will cut the rug from under the feet (well ... under the legs), and you inflate your seduction potential. Finally Avoid standing water in your environment (puddles, dishes, etc.) because it is a magnet for insects.
If all these solutions fail to resolve the problem, you can always try a more direct approach. Expensive, mosquito traps are nevertheless effective to trap small critters. The grandmother remedy version is not so bad either: Fill a shallow dish of soapy water and let prominently. Mosquitoes are attracted to water and imprisoned in soap bubbles.
It itches!
You had beautiful to all the good will in the world, but it took one second of inattention and you now feel the itch of a sting. Do not panic, you can quite calm your skin with these little simple but effective techniques.
To remove this sensation of itches, massage several times a day your mosquito button with a drop of essential oil of lavender. Indeed, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-infective powers that can only help.
If you had the (mis) fortune to see the mosquito feasting directly to the source, have the reflex to massage the place of the sting with salt soaked in vinegar. Antiseptic, this mixture will promote a return to normal faster.
Now that you have all the tools in hand to counter the reign gnats, you can enjoy your running at nightfall and have a good time in a corner of paradise without thinking about the little beasts. So happy?