Despite a higher cost (10 to 15%) than a traditional construction, the BBC wooden house offers many advantages especially in terms of taxation.
Wooden house construction: the financial benefits
Local financial aid
Local authorities - councils, regional councils and local authorities - may grant aid and loans to individuals for the construction of a new home on their territory. The conditions for granting and terms are set by each municipality, but it is the councils that decide their allocation.
Subsidized loans
The Ready to rate Zero More
The device of the "Ready to zero plus" interest-free loan helped by the state, is for first-time buyers meeting certain means tests. The PTZ + can finance the purchase or construction of a new home designed to become the primary residence of the borrower. The amount of aid is adjusted according to the geographical area. It no longer depends on the energy performance of housing since 1 January 2015.
The Ready For The Social (PAS)
The Ready for Social Accession aims to promote home ownership for low income households. It can finance up to 100% of a project of construction of detached house. The SAP benefits from lightweight interest rates and secure conditions. It can be combined with other loans.
The employee Ready or Ready Action Housing
The employee loan granted to employees of member companies of the private sector Interprofessional Committee of Housing (CIL) and officials, can supplement the personal contribution or loan principal. The amount may not exceed 30% of the total funding and may vary from € 7,000 to € 25,000 depending on the area.
Of advantageous tax credits
The law Pinel (formerly Duflot law)
The Pinel Act is for any taxpayer who acquires domiciled in France, between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2016, a new housing (housing for rent) or the future completion. The tax reduction on income can reach 21% of the amount of investment, spread over 9 years linear and equally. The Pinel device generates up to € 6,000 of tax reduction per year for 9 years.
The tax credit for the construction BBC
Because they meet the standards of the 2012 thermal regulation, which sets a maximum limit on the energy consumption of new buildings, wooden houses benefit from the BBC label. The borrower can benefit from a tax credit of 40% on loan interest, over a period of 7 years.
The tax credit on Sustainable Development
It is also possible to benefit from a tax credit on energy production equipment using a renewable energy source (installed at the time of construction): condensing boiler, wood stove or pellet, water heater solar, heat pumps, wind, photovoltaic panels, etc. If the investment is heavier, it limits the fossil energy needs and reduce further the energy bill.
Energy savings
The wood has a natural thermal insulation capacity 15 times greater than that of concrete, for performing heating savings of 30% and up to 80% with the use of effective thermal insulation.
A property tax reduction or exemption
A BBC wooden house may benefit from exemption from property tax, partial or total (50 to 100%) for 5 years. The decision is up to the town: it can be interesting to learn ahead of buying the land, two neighboring municipalities may practice a different policy on property tax relief.