An efficient heating system is good. Her partner management solutions and management as a room thermostat, a clever programming or using the Internet box, that's even better. For the key, additional savings.
How to improve the performance of its heating?
Whether central or electric heating, add to it a control system is a worthwhile investment. Regulation and programming can further reduce the total bill and gain overall comfort.

Temperature regulation with guarantee
In addition to the thermostat available every pot, but do not allow very precise adjustment of the outside temperature, it is advisable to add a room thermostat. It maintains a constant temperature, taking into account the heat input such as sunlight. It is even possible to combine it with a probe, which controls the operation of the boiler, taking into account the external temperature. Up to 10% is saved with such a regulation.
To map with programming
The program is in addition to the thermostat. It offers several possibilities. First, it allows to choose room by room or zone by zone the desired temperature. Second, it promotes the development of heating scenarios depending on time of day and days of the week, of the presence or absence of people. In short, it enables a true adaptation of the heating step to real needs. The savings can reach 25%. Programming is also possible for the electric heating. Programmers are integrated into each device, and offers four modes: comfort (daily) reduced or eco (3-4 ° C lower), frost (temperature maintained at 8 ° C) and off. Better, the centralized scheduler may set a target temperature for the entire home and manage all issuers.
Driving district heating
Finally, home automation equipment including Internet box, offer to manage the heating at the same time as other aspects such as lighting or alarm. With them, the heating can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet. It is even possible to monitor or even trigger remotely. One solution to consider for example a second home ...
Adopt the right moves
Modulate individual room temperature contributes to energy gains without compromising comfort. In the Room: 18 ° C in the living room: 19/20 ° C in the bathroom: 22/24 ° C Heat minimum unused rooms to avoid moisture. Turn off heaters if we open the windows. Put issuers in position frost by prolonged absence.