Burglaries: how to protect his house?
protections, founder protecthome.fr.Behaviors common sense
Neglect and common mistakes can be costly! Taking certain precautions can prevent burglaries by making it easier for criminals more difficult. Burglars often lurk unoccupied houses by performing round, but also by using modern means of communication. So do not post your absence, even temporary, or indicate the dates of your holiday on the answering and on social networks! Also, do not leave your keys under the doormat, in a flower pot or in the mailbox ...
The opinion of our expert. Burglars seek to operate quickly and discreetly, carrying the least amount of material. Be sure to store the DIY and gardening tools (ladder, hammer, screwdriver, etc.) that could facilitate their intrusion.
Quiet holiday resort to operation
The gendarmerie and the national police intend to watch over your home during the holidays by making daily rounds in your neighborhood. Just indicate the period when you will be away to the gendarmerie brigade or the police in your home. For this, you must complete a form and register for the operation Quiet holiday. You can also use the reference of your security department: it is a police officer or a gendarme, chosen for its good knowledge of procedures and crime scene, and trained technical prevention of malice. It will carry a home safety consultation and advise you on what to build. Check with your police station or your gendarmerie.
The opinion of our expert. Monitoring your home will be facilitated if its surroundings are released without hedges or large trees that conceal the access points. Warning: if the transaction holidays Peace is effective for preventing opportunistic burglaries, it is not enough to deter those that operate after making a careful identification.
Seek its appeal to the neighborhood or babysitting
You can ask your neighbors to come to you in your absence to open the shutters, empty the mailbox, watering plants, picking the leaves ... and offer them to give them back the same service when making their vacation. Alternatively, make use of the system or guarding homesitting which allows to keep free his home by a third party. We must, in this case, contact an association or a company that specializes in home-sitting, charged to connect owners and keepers volunteers through a service contract (see Useful contacts).
The opinion of our expert. A house that seems less busy trying burglars. However, this solution does not provide a total guarantee because burglaries also occur in the day when the occupants are absent.
Installing technical safeguards
Many effective and often inexpensive solutions exist to secure a dwelling different entry points (door, windows, windows ...): locks for roof windows, security bars for shutters (15 80 € depending on the degree of protection), additional locks for garage doors (50 to € 200). To the front door, pick a lock or a special high security cylinder (from € 35), which must not exceed 5 mm of the door to avoid offering an outlet for burglars. To further strengthen, install 3D hinges (from 130 € + installation). These are hinges that avoid any risk of forcing, lifting, driving or recovery. It is also possible to install inner side plates (from 30 € + installation) holding the door against the frame or the hinges on the outside, to avoid gaps between the frame and the door.
The opinion of our expert. Among the many points "hot" of a dwelling, the bay window ranks first. Often on the back of a house, it can be easily opened, almost no trace of tampering without tools, using the existing natural play between the leaves. There is a solution: Install a lock (for 30 €) allowing the various elements of the bay to form a unit and be one with the frame.
Opting for deterrence accessories
To avoid overnight burglaries, you can install motion sensor floodlights (from € 20-80), solar or mains operated in the shadow areas of your garden. Taking burglars by surprise, they have a very effective deterrent. To simulate a presence in the house, it is also possible to equip programmed taken some pieces that turn on automatically at specific times (from € 5). You can also display a fake remote surveillance system: cameras and false alarms, remote monitoring Stickers ... (5 to € 20).
The opinion of our expert. There is presence of programmers to operate remotely by smartphone or tablet, which allow turn on lights or operate devices in your absence (from € 30).
Equipping an alarm
The easiest way is to opt for a wireless alarm system "plug and play", linked to fixed or mobile phone or an Internet box. Some (100 to 400 €) may be operated via an application downloaded on smartphone. More sophisticated, systems connected in your home to your Internet box also allows to operate and manage various remote alarm devices and presence simulation (alarm, opening the shutters, turned on a TV, the lighting, etc.), from a computer, smartphone or tablet.
The opinion of our expert. Wired alarm systems are installed only rarely, unless the device is provided at the time of construction of the house. With current telecommunications, alarm systems without subscription ample enough to be alerted in case of intrusion.
The basic alarms
What features? Activated via the manufacturer's website or from an application on smartphone or tablet, these alarms are fully customizable. In case of burglary, the owner receives an alert by email, voicemail or SMS and can view it on their computer or smartphone images recorded by surveillance cameras.
What products? SSA-10 from Sigmatek (€ 240), Home Alarm Security Camera + MyFox (€ 500), S4 eTiger (€ 270).
What budget? 250 to 500 €.
Alarms connected to home automation
What features? Besides the classic functions of connected alarms, they include other devices that are activated remotely: control of lighting, shutters, smoke detector or water leak ...
What products? Security Pack More MyFox (€ 750), Pack Blyssbox apartment (600 €) 400 Protexiom RTC Somfy (€ 1,200).
What budget? 700 to € 1,500 approximately.
Useful contacts
Information on the protection of the house:
- Www.protegersamaison.com
- Www.obs-delasecurite.com
The operation Tranquility Vacation: gendarmerie.interieur.gouv.fr download the form and fill it. For Paris and the inner suburbs, use the OTV online service police headquarters (no demand by phone) on prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr.
Home addresses of sitting:
- Ilidor.com
- Partirtranquille.com
- Homesitting.fr
- Domsitting.fr