Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why can a visit to Ikea turn the dispute among couples?

Become a true standard in our consumer society, the visit to the Ikea furniture store can often turn into a nightmare for couples. "This sign is often raised about domestic disputes," says Ramani Durvasula, a psychologist quoted by the Wall Street Journal.

Why can a visit to Ikea turn the dispute among couples?

Conflict situations in every corner of the store

Select sofa that will be enthroned in the middle of your living room, is fixed on the bed of the youngest, define the new kitchen fixtures, so many contexts that can lead to conflict situations. "Wandering among the kitchens can lead to a discussion that makes the most of household chores. Idem when they browse the world of children, with there also other discussion topics," adds the American psychologist.

Interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, US officials from the Swedish brand evoke prefer looking for an improved customer experience ever, stressing that counselors are also present to assist couples in their research.

Divorce because of a sofa?

The key to this room yet any voltage is found. "The majority of couples who come to Ikea undertake operations renovation or construction of their home, which already generate situations of stress," says a former kitchen designer at Ikea. A study of decoration website Houzz, published in 2013, had already measured that 46% of couples who were carrying out renovation projects had found stressful experience. 12% have even considered a rupture or divorce.
Worse, tensions may prove exacerbated once at home. with the fateful moment of furniture assembly ... Even if the operation can be simple at first, it quickly becomes tedious, especially when it is necessary to make two ....

A study by the Science Civic Office, based on the responses of 7,000 couples, found that 17% of them were arguing systematically when they went to Ikea together. So Ektorp sofa or Klippan?